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The Engineering Entrepreneur Podcast

Aug 9, 2020

The Origami Bottle Invention– Petar Zaharinov – Ep85 

This week I interviewed Petar Zaharinov, an inventor & product designer. He is an architect by education but truly an inventor and innovator by heart. He has been a product designer for the last 10 years. 

Patar is an expert at finding hidden functionalities in design. He sketches first, then make some simple paper prototypes and finally uses software like Grasshopper to create the final designs. We talk about how this software is good for folding designs which is what Patar specializes in.  

His latest project, which is an active campaign on kickstarter, is an Origami bottle. It is a folding water bottle, made from a single injection mold. What makes his bottle different than existing folding water bottles is that it is very stable in the non-folded state.  

Check out the links at the end, you will really appreciate how well his designs work and are thought out.  

Petar’s Number one tip: Follow your intuition when solving a problem 

