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The Engineering Entrepreneur Podcast

Jul 5, 2021

Online Learning, – Raunak Dutta and John Myers – Ep 104 

John and Raunak teamed up to create a new online learning platform called 

John held a career in Logistics for over 4 years, for two of those years he was a mentor and teacher guiding people through budgeting and being more proficient in their careers. 

Raunak learned most of his professional skills from a learning platform called which is now called LinkedIn Learning. 

Because of each of their background, they both have a good understanding of the positives and negatives of other online learning platforms. One of the big issues with online learning is the wide variety of quality. They set out to bring the highest quality online learning to the world. 

In addition to details on the platform, we discussed the business model, which is a subscription model. 

Their number one tips: 

Raunak: “Choose your co-founders carefully. Find people who have a passion for what you are doing.” 

John: “Task itemization. If you can’t see a clear path to end goal, everyone is lost.” 

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