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The Engineering Entrepreneur Podcast

May 15, 2021

Save Money with Solar Panels - Stephan Scherer- Ep 103 

Stephan Scherer was born and raised in Vienna, Austria. He attended the Technical University of Vienna (also took part in Duke University’s exchange program), then started work as an engineer in Siberia’s oil fields. He founded CraftStrom in 2017 after first, private work on mobile solar systems, while working as an energy infrastructure consultant. 

We talk in depth on the technology of solar panels.  

  • Solar panels can pay for it itself quickly. 
  • In California, it pays for itself in 4 years. 
  • In Europe, pays for itself in 7-8 years. 

Stephan also ran a Kickstarter and we talked briefly on some lessons learned from that. 

Number one tips:

Know your customer – don’t try anything without having spoken to customers. Reach out where your customers are. 

Contact info: 

The Engineering Entrepreneur Podcast is produced by Scott Tarcy, President of You can reach me at