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The Engineering Entrepreneur Podcast

Mar 22, 2022

Fulcrum, a SAAS ERP, MRP and MES Platform – Sunny Han – Ep 115

Sunny is the CEO and Founder of Fulcrum.

We talked mostly about ERP systems (which stands for enterprise resource planning). Most companies these days have ERP systems but many of them are not good. For example, many are not connected to the internet...

Mar 9, 2022

DPX Orion Underwater Tablet – Ali Keskin – Ep 114 

Ali Keskin is the Business Manager of the company, Innovasub.  

Innovasub is an underwater innovative technology firm founded by the ‘Design with Divers’ perception 15 years ago. 

They have a new product called DPX Orion that just finished a Kickstarter...